Environmental Policy

At COG Youth Services we recognise that all our activities have environmental impacts.  Our organisation has a role to play in protecting the environment and can make a difference at both a local and international level.  COG Youth Services staff and volunteers will consider the effects of all our activities on the local and global environment.  We will develop practical initiatives to realise the policy and will work towards developing the training of our staff and volunteers to move towards a more environmentally sustainable way of life.


It is our intention to:

  1. Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations, as well as to other requirements and standards to which we subscribe.
  1. We will continue to work towards minimising:
  • our waste and pollution
  • our use of non-renewable energy
  • the need to travel, or, if travelling, to use the least polluting form of transport appropriate to each journey
  • our use of supplied water, and
  1. We will continue to work towards increasing:
  • Our usage of recycled materials
  • Where recycled materials are not possible to use, finding a sustainable alternative
  • Use of Fairtrade (or equivalent) goods, where practical


Review Date: 17th March 2020